LANTRA Health & Safety – Treework
With a high risk of accidents and incidents in this sector, it’s essential to have the correct procedures and training in place. This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to keep yourself and your colleagues safe when working with trees.
If you have any learning needs, please contact 01387 710557 or prior to attending your course to discuss reasonable adjustments that can be made.
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You’ll learn about the specific needs relating to Health and Safety in your sector and look at a variety of scenarios you may encounter in your workplace. The course has been developed in line with the Forestry Commission policy and information provided by the Forestry Industry Safety Accord (FISA).
You’ll benefit from this course whether you are looking to join the sector, are new to it, or are simply looking to progress your skills.
Topics covered:
- An introduction to working safely in tree work
- Health and safety regulatory frameworks
- Risk management
- Causes and consequences of accidents and ill health in tree work
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Chainsaws in tree work
- Working at height in tree work
- Overhead power lines in tree work
- Workplace transport safety
- Vibration and noise
- Manual handling operations
- Lyme and Weil’s diseases
- Lone working
- Fire safety
- Signage
- Health and safety communication
- Creating an action plan for your workplace.
1 day
£120 plus VAT
You’ll receive a certificate of training when you have completed the course.