Level 3 Certificate of Competence in Dealing with Interwoven Stems and Part Blown Trees
Training and assessment in the clearing of individual and multiple windblown trees, which still have the root plates attached. This training will cover trees that have been windblown or uprooted by storm damage, earth movement or another physical agent. The trees will not be in a position that requires assistance from emergency services or utility companies.
The trees will be intermeshed in a complex fashion so that a planned order of approach will be necessary to complete the work. The order of work will often involve the severing and extraction of part-blown and wind-snapped trees prior to severing root-plates from fully blown stems.
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The trees will be both over and under guide-bar length in diameter and will be both fully and partially uprooted. This also includes the severing of root-plates that overhang the chainsaw operator’s cutting position using mechanical or other appropriate machinery for restraint as well as the severing of partly blown (leaning) trees and the felling of wind-snapped (broken) trees with and without the tops attached. Winches or other appropriate machinery may also be used for restraint of trees with side tension or where the stem is likely to roll.
The course covers:
- Site safety and personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Regulations and safety requirements
- Assessing lying, partially leaning windblown and broken timber and deciding on appropriate action
- Cutting windblown trees using appropriate techniques
- Operating a winch to control movement of root plates
Chainsaw Maintenance Crosscutting & Felling Small Trees up to 380mm
Certificate of Competence in Felling and Processing Medium Trees Over 380mm and up to 760mm
- Unit 201 – Maintenance of the Chainsaw and Cutting System & Cross-Cut Timber Using a Chainsaw (CS30)
- Unit 202 – Fell and Process Trees up to 380mm (CS31)
- Medium Trees
3 days training | 1 day assessment
£615.00 + VAT per person
Funding options:
- Modern Apprenticeships (MA) – working for you from day one apprentices gain the skills you need to increase productivity. SDS will make a contribution to training costs and a learning provider can organise the training for you if required.
- Employer Recruitment Incentive (ERI) – employers get an incentive of up to £2,000 –depending on criteria – to take on a Modern Apprentice who has had a barrier to employment in the past or is unemployed.
- Flexible Training Opportunities (FTO) – businesses with existing staff of up to 150 employees can get up to 50% of training costs reimbursed up to a maximum of £5000 for 10 training episodes. FTOs aim to help smaller firms weather the recession.
- Low Carbon Skills Fund – Businesses who train their staff in carbon reduction and energy efficiency, can access up to £500 each towards a maximum of 25 training experiences
Level 3 Certificate of Competence in Dealing with Interwoven Stems and Part Blown Trees unit 306