Aluminium Phosphide Awareness

Horticultural 3 Week Block Course

PA9 Safe Application of Pesticide Mists, Fogs and Smokes

PA4 Safe Application of Pelleted or Granular Pesticides Using Mounted or Trailed Applicators

PA3 Safe Application of Pesticides Using Variable Geometry Boom or Broadcast Sprayers

PA12 Safe Application of Pesticides to Plant Material During a Continuous flow Process

PA6 Hand-held Applicators

PA2 Safe Application of Pesticides Using Self Propelled, Mounted, Trailed Horizontal Boom Sprayers

PA1/PA6 Safe Use of Hand Held Pesticide Applicators Course
Our Courses
H&W pesticide training courses provide you with the knowledge and skills you require to safely operate ground crop sprayers and hand held applicators. Courses include NPTC PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA6, PA9 and PA12.
These courses are designed, mainly, for those currently working, or wishing to work, in the horticultural industry.
Check out our course programme for upcoming dates, course durations and availability. Many of our courses run on request only, so get in touch to register your interest.
The majority of our courses include at least 1 day of assessment at the end.
Based in Dumfries, south-west Scotland, we also have training sites in Abington (South Lanarkshire), Cumbria and Newcastle.